Coaching: Grow Model
Sir John Whitmore is Executive Chairman of Performance Consultants International and a well respected lecturer and consultant on human resource management. He is the author of Coaching for Performance, one of the best-selling coaching guides, which showcases the GROW model of coaching.
G.R.O.W is an acronym :
In Detail Goals
We all know the importance of having goals. But, the problem is that all too often we do not break these down into achievable steps. We need to create achievable mini goals (or milestones) and these need to be S.M.A.R.T.
This is the reality check time where are you now? This is time to honestly evaluate your skills, knowledge and motivation. This is where a coach can really help.
The key questions to ask:
This second step in the GROW coaching model, consists in determining where you are in respect to your goals.
What are resources are available to you? What has happened so far? What are the roadblocks/problems? Options
What are the possibilities? What are your strengths and opportunities? What could you do?
It helps if you begin by understanding what your unique strengths are. When you understand what your strengths are, it makes choosing your options simpler.
The hardest step! Again this is about being honest and accepting reality.
What will keep you motivated in the long run? What would be like to reach your goals? What could you do today? What will keep you going when it is hard?