Category: Teaching

The Impact of High Expectations

‘To expect defeat is nine-tenths of the defeat itself’ – Henry Louis Mencken Increasingly I have come to the conclusion that High Expectations (of students and staff) is the most important driver for school...

Top Ten Requirements of Good Teaching

Professor Richard Leblanc The Top Ten Requirements of Good Teaching 1. Good teaching is as much about passion as it is about reason. It’s about not only motivating students to learn, but teaching them...

What Do pupils think Makes a Good teacher?

An illuminating source of information on effective teaching lies in asking the beneficiaries. What is again striking about the different studies that have been carried out into pupils’ perspectives on their teachers, is the...

Socratic Questions

The Socratic Questioning Technique The Socratic approach to questioning is based on the practice of disciplined, thoughtful dialogue. Socrates, the early Greek philosopher/teacher, believed that disciplined practice of thoughtful questioning enabled the student to...

Teach Like A Champion: Classroom Culture

Teach Like A Champion whilst being a little American is a superb practical book about effective teaching. Lemov concentrates on the quality of teaching, rather than teachers, and forensically explains how  a teacher can...