Category: Research

Hope and rats

Curt Richter conducted a series of experiments looking at how long rats survive  drowning. It is an interesting, albeit a bit sick, paper. Most wild rats dies between 1 and 15 minutes after being...

Peer on Peer abuse

What is peer on peer abuse? Simply put peer on peer abuse is abuse where the perpetrator and the victim are under 18. It excludes familiar abuse perpetrated by children as this is not...

Unfair Fight for Oxbridge

Sutton report research again shows the disadvantage that state schools children have compared to their public school educated peers. I do not wish to get into a discussion on the justice of this, however,...


Literacy is the foundation of everything that we do. Without it children cannot access the curriculum and, more importantly, they will be seriously limited in their options when leaving school. It is my belief...

Closing the Gap Between Boys and Girls

This report commissioned by the Welsh Assembly Government, presents findings from 2006 – 2008 relating to closing the gap between boys’ and girls’ attainment in schools. It is based on inspection reports and/or investigating...

15000 Hours – the impact of schools

‘15000 hours – Secondary schools and their effect on children’ by Professor Michael Rutter looked into patterns of life within the walls of a school, and how these patterns affected pupil achievement. Rutter’s team...