Building Winning Teams
Step 1: Assess Capabilities
- Puppies – keen, low skill, need reigning in and managing without damaging enthusiasm
- Dolphins – movers and shakers
- Bear – slow to sign up but powerful, easy to become unaligned
Step 2: Define Goals: What are we trying to accomplish?
- Do we agree on our core purpose and mission?
- Are the goals decided by the team?
- Are our goals clear and do we agree on the priorities?
- Are the goals SMART?
- Are we having regular reviews?
- Do team members have conflicting goals?
Step 3: Roles: Who does what?
- Do we have a clear understanding of role and responsibilities?
- Do individuals know how their personal efforts contribute?
- Do we openly discuss what we need from each other?
- Are authority and control well defined?
- Is there conflict? E.g. do roles overlap
Step 4: Processes
- Do we have clear ground rules and procedures?
- Do we have agreed standards and expectations?
- Do we recognise of team and individual effort?
- Do we review our processes and procedures regularly?
- Do we encourage constructive feedback?
- Have we agreed how we do communicate? (e.g. email, face to face etc)
- Do we have efficient meetings?
Step 5: Relationships
- Are our relationships open and co-operative?
- Do we have agreed values?
(Richard Beckhard and David Gleicher)
Conversely Lencioni details the 5 dysfunctions of a team…