I would suggest that strategy is fundamentally the ‘HOW’ of an organisation. It is likely to be fluid and changed based on the prevailing conditions and ought to be crafted to the organisations strengths.
Interesting Napoleon may have acted very differently had he had the stronger fleet.
In Gladwell’s Book David and Goliath Gladwell goes through a plethora of examples of when the ‘weaker’ side won. These weaker sides found a way to change the rules of the game.
For example in Vietnam the Americans were far better equipped, numerous and disciplined and had they fought in the same way as the Americans they would have been crushed. Instead they fought as guerrillas and won.
For my school our overarching strategy is to make things simple. We have at most three things that we are working on at any one time and seek to nail them. At the moment we only have two strategies
- Diagnosis, Therapy, Testing
- Consistency